Morskie Oko. The most beautiful Polish lake

The panorama of a mountain lake covered with ice and snow against the background of peaks
Morskie Oko, also called Fish Lake, is the largest and most famous lake in the Tatra Mountains, located at the foot of the Mięguszowieckie Peaks, and it is even considered one of the five most beautiful lakes in the world. It is a magical place on the map of the Tatra Mountains, which is enchanting at any time of the year. It is an excellent place for testing one’s strength and undemanding mountain walks; it is also where many severe tourist and mountaineering trails start. The lake on which rafts once sailed is shrouded in many legends. It constitutes an object of worship and admiration by painters, graphic artists and photographers, whose works immortalised the lasting beauty of the Tatra Mountains. What is it about this place that attracts so many people? Come and see for yourself!

Location and surroundings

Morskie Oko, a lake with an area of 35 hectares, is located deep in the Tatra Mountains, at an altitude of 1,395 m above sea level, in the upper parts of the Rybi Potok Valley, which is part of the Białka Valley. The length of the lake is about 860 metres, width about 560 metres, and its depth reaches up to 51 metres, which places Morskie Oko fourth among the Tatra lakes. According to legend, Morskie Oko is connected to the Baltic Sea, and a monster lives in its depths .... But has anyone seen him?

Morskie Oko Lake is surrounded by the vertical walls of the Mięguszowieckie Peaks, majestically reflected on the surface of the water from summer to late autumn. In winter, the lake surface is covered with a thick layer of ice and snow. The main peaks towering over Morskie Oko Lake include the Czarny Mięguszowiecki Peak, the Wielki Mięguszowiecki Peak, Cubryna and the characteristic Mnich. Its unique beauty, popularity and relative ease of access make the Morskie Oko region one of the earliest known parts of the Tatra Mountains. Initially, the area attracted miners looking for veins of gold and ore in the Tatra rocks, and later mountaineers, artists and, increasingly, tourists began to appear here. Today, Morskie Oko Lake is one of the most popular places among tourists visiting the Tatra Mountains. What impresses most is the changeability of the colour of the water’s surface depending on the time of day and season. In winter, it is an unspoilt island of snow powder.

How to get there

Due to its convenient location, Morskie Oko Lake is relatively ease to access. The starting point is Palenica Białczańska, which can be reached by car or bus from Zakopane. When choosing your own private car, it is necessary to remember about an earlier reservation for a parking space, which the Tatra National Park conducts: Booking a space in advance guarantees a parking place for the whole day, while those who do not make a reservation are sent back and must look for other parking places. It is worth remembering to start a trip to Morskie Oko Lake smoothly.

From Palenica Białczańskiego to Morskie Oko Lake, there is one red trail. The whole route is about 9 kilometres and can be covered in about 3 hours. The road is mainly asphalt (in winter, covered with thick snow); in places, shortcuts lead through the forest, which cut off the most extensive bends. An alternative is available in Palenica Białczańska - a horse-drawn carriage ride, which takes tourists to Włosienica (about 1,700 metres before Morskie Oko Lake).

A long but exhilarating route

Although the 9-kilometre climb seems like an endless road for many people, it is worth taking the effort and testing one’s strength. However, the hardship of the climb is compensated for by phenomenal views and other attractions. Educational boards of the Tatra National Park informing about natural curiosities and describing the most exciting panoramas are placed along the entire stretch of the road leading through the forest. The first of the most remarkable places on the route are the Mickiewicz Waterfalls, picturesque cascades created along the current of the Roztoka stream. Undoubtedly, they are the greatest attraction of the route to Morskie Oko Lake - a wonder of Tatra nature, with the deafening noise and roar of rushing water. Interestingly, the Waterfalls owe their name to the bard Adam Mickiewicz, as their discovery coincided with transporting the writer’s corpse from France.

The Mickiewicz Waterfalls are an essential point on the route, from where one can also descend to the climatic Roztoka Valley Hostel and have a snack before continuing their walk. Further on, the route ascends gently through the forest, with panoramas of the highest Tatra peaks surrounding the Biała Woda Valley on the left and the steep gorges of the Wołoszyn Mountain on the right. The route bites into a forest, and gentle ascents shorten the biggest serpentines in several places. When one reaches the Włosienica Glade, they can rest at the refreshment point, and the last section of the trail remains before them. This amazing but equally dangerous section should be traversed with caution and without long rests, primarily in winter. It must be remembered that there is a danger is posed by the Żandarmerii Gully and the Biały Gully, through which avalanches slide from Opalony Wierch, especially after significant snowfalls. It is worth noting the old hostel located on the left side of the route, while after about 15 minutes from the Włosienica Glade, the outline of the building of the Schroniska PTTK Morskie Oko and a breath-taking view of the lake appear in front of the walkers’ eyes. We are at our destination!

The return route follows the same road and takes about 2 hours. It is worth remembering that buses run in winter until dusk.

The PTTK Morskie Oko Hostel and a walk around the lake

Everyone who arrives at Morskie Oko Lake must visit the hostel for a longer or shorter rest. Situated right on the surface of the lake, the over 100-year-old New Hostel invites guests to its restaurant, which offers delicious snacks and lunch dishes. Inside, there is also a cosy dining room with a view of the surroundings of Morskie Oko and a shop. Everyone should try the delicious apple pie! The glassed-enclosed veranda often displays works by artists connected with the Tatra Mountains. The mountain hostel also offers equipment rental, which is necessary especially in winter, and the Morskie Oko Mountain School, which offers, among other things, training and guided tours. There is a path leading around the lake, which is worth a walk to look at Morskie Oko from all sides. A memorable experience is a winter walk on the lake when it is covered with ice and snow. However, one should bear in mind that it is only possible to cross the lake when there is adequate ice cover and when the temperature is very low. Those willing to walk further may approach Czarny Staw below Rysy and look at Morskie Oko Lake from above. In winter, this walk may require additional equipment and handling skills.

Trails and beginnings of mountain tours

The vicinity of Morskie Oko is also the beginning of other trails, intended chiefly for persistent and experienced tourists. It is here that the most famous route to Rysy (2,501 m above sea level) starts, crossing Czarny Staw below Rysy. An alternative is a challenging ascent to the Pod Chłopkiem Pass (2,308 m above sea level). On the opposite side of the lake, there is a trail starting at the Szpiglasowa Pass (2,110 m above sea level, leading further on to the Pięć Stawów Valley) and at Wrota Chałubińskiego (2,022 m above sea level). Nevertheless, it should be remembered that these places are very demanding, impossible to reach in winter without the appropriate equipment and skills. The trail leading from Morskie Oko to the Pięć Stawów Valley via Świstówka, which is closed from 1 December to 15 May due to avalanche danger, is extremely charming.

While walking to and around Morskie Oko, one must remember that they are in the Tatra National Park, one of the most valuable natural areas in Poland and a world biosphere reserve.

When comparing the peculiarities of the Tatra Mountains with the precious stones in the crown of beauty of the Polish lands, then Morskie Oko Lake should be called a sapphire, as it distinguishes itself with such a deep and shining colour from the whole of the surroundings (...) it never becomes ordinary, even if viewed many times.

Multimedia - oficjalny portal turystyczny województwa małopolskiego to portal turystyczny prowadzony przez Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Małopolskiego. Małopolska jest jednym z najatrakcyjniejszych turystycznie i najchętniej odwiedzanych regionów w Polsce. To właśnie tutaj został uruchomiony, jeden z pierwszych w Polsce, regionalny system informacji turystycznej (Małopolski System Informacji Turystycznej), którego częścią jest ten portal. Jego zadaniem jest podpowiedzieć turyście, co warto zobaczyć w Małopolsce oraz ułatwić znalezienie informacji o noclegach, wydarzeniach, przyrodzie i zabytkach. 

Co warto zobaczyć w Małopolsce?

Lista atrakcji Małopolski jest długa i różnorodna. Portal ułatwia zwiedzanie województwa małopolskiego poprzez prezentowanie informacji o atrakcjach turystycznych poszczególnych miast i regionów, a także ciekawych miejsc danego typu, takich jak muzea, zabytki, szlaki tematycznekultura i rozrywka, przyroda, zdrowie i uroda, podziemne trasy i inne.

Zadbaliśmy również o opisanie atrakcji, z których szczególnie słynie Małopolska - kopalni soli, spływu Dunajcem, term, Szlaku Architektury Drewnianej oraz obiektów wpisanych na listę Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO.

Przygotowaliśmy także wskazówki dla odwiedzających Małopolskę rodzin z dziećmi, seniorówmiłośników białego szaleństwa i wędrówek - a także wiele, wiele więcej.

Ciekawe miejsca w Małopolsce

Dzięki portalowi, bogactwo historyczne i kulturalne regionu, różnorodność oferty turystycznej, mnogość wydarzeń kulturalnych, obiektów turystycznych, tras, szlaków, a także zjawiskowa przyroda, stają się bliższe turyście. Dzięki takim funkcjom portalu jak interaktywna mapa regionów Małopolski, rozbudowane opisy atrakcji i baza danych teleadresowych (m. in. noclegów i Punktów Informacji Turystycznej) może on z łatwością zaplanować zarówno jednodniową wycieczkę, jak i dłuższy urlop. Z kolei aktualizowane na bieżąco moduły Aktualności i Wydarzeń pozwalają zaplanować pobyt w oparciu o aktualne wydarzenia w regionie.

Atrakcje turystyczne w Małopolsce

Portal turystyczny to źródło rzetelnych i aktualnych informacji turystycznych dotyczących województwa małopolskiego. Jest on skierowany zarówno do osób odwiedzających Małopolskę pierwszy raz, regularnie powracających tu turystów, jak i mieszkańców poszukujących informacji o aktualnych wydarzeniach w regionie i atrakcjach turystycznych w swojej okolicy. Interesujące informacje znajdą tu osoby poszukujące różnorodnych aktywności - turystyki pieszej, rowerowej, śladami historii, kuchni, religii, sportów zimowych i ekstremalnych, a także miłośnicy historii, kuchni czy turystyki religijnej.

Portal to nie tylko najpiękniejsze miejsca w Małopolsce, ale też kompletna baza rekomendowanych adresów (m. in. noclegi, małopolskie atrakcje turystyczne, gastronomia, blogi podejmujące tematykę regionalną). To skarbnica wiedzy i aktualnych danych oraz miejsce dające możliwości prezentacji oferty dla branży turystycznej.

Nie wszystkie małopolskie atrakcje cieszą się taką samą popularnością - jedne są tłumnie zwiedzane, o innych wie garstka pasjonatów, mimo że są nie mniej piękne czy interesujące. Na staraliśmy się zaprezentować wszystkie ciekawe miejsca i obiekty. Zachęcamy do korzystania z portalu i wykorzystywania zamieszczonej tu wiedzy do odkrywania najpiękniejszych i najciekawszych miejsc w Małopolsce!



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