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Materials for MPR

Materials for MPR

Training and promotional materials for sites awarded the Cyclists’ Friendly Place in the Małopolska Voivodeship certificate.

A short training film showing good practice in serving cycling tourists.

MPR logo plaque to be placed in the facility - download JPG file

logo MPR

Virtual walks along the VeloMałopolska routes.

After clicking on the panorama on the hotspot with the selected MPR, three images will appear with a brief description, a link to the website/FB and contact details for the selected site.

Virtual walk along the Vistula Bicycle Route

Virtual walk around the VeloDunajec

Virtual walk around VeloNatura/EuroVelo11

Virtual walk around VeloMetropolis/EuroVelo4


Maps in PDF version (A4 format) for self-printing with marked MPRs along the WTR, VeloDunajec, EuroVelo11 and EuroVelo4 routes:

1.Podhale / 2. Jezioro Czorsztyńskie / 3. Beskid Sądecki / 4. Jezioro Rożnowskie i Nowy Sącz / 5. Pogórze Rożnowskie / 6. Tarnów i okolice / 7. Północno-wschodnia Małopolska / 8. Ujście Jezuickie – Szczucin / 9. Uście Solne – Ujście Jezuickie / 10. Puszcza Niepołomicka / 11. Kraków / 12. Na zachód od Krakowa / 13. Zator i Dolina Karpia / 14. Oświęcim i okolice / 15. Piwniczna Zdrój - Muszyna 

mapa Małopolski z trasami VeloMałopolska

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