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Project name: "Creating a nationwide tourism product named, ‘The Małopolska segment of the Eastern Front Route of WWI - Phase I’"

Project name: "Creating a nationwide tourism product named, ‘The Małopolska segment of the Eastern Front Route of WWI - Phase I’"

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Project description: Małopolska is the site of numerous objects and places commemorating the events of WWI: forts of the Cracow Fortress; Oleandry District in Cracow – the place from which the First Cadre Company, a sub-infantry unit, started its march; museums with the Polish Aviation Museum in the forefront; and numerous military cemeteries which were designed by outstanding artists of the time. Traces of trenches and other field fortifications still remain in some places, while in other you can find military facilities, such as the old barracks, headquarters that housed staffs of the warring armies and military hospitals. In early May 1915, Małopolska was the arena where the Battle of Görlitz, the largest military operation of the Eastern Front of WWI, was fought. The goal of the project, "Creating a nationwide tourism product named, ‘The Małopolska segment of the Eastern Front Route of WWI - Phase I’" implemented from the funds of the Małopolska Regional Operational Programme 2007 - 2013, Measure 3.1: The development of tourism infrastructure, Scheme C: The development of tourism product and offer, construction of a supra-regional tourist route to the most interesting places associated with the history of WWI in Małopolska.
The activities carried out within the framework of the project:

- Execution of tourist route signs for the Eastern Front Route of WWI.

- Development of tourism infrastructure along the route (walking and bicycle paths, thematic loops, rest areas, points of access for tourists).

- Renovation of cemeteries (reconstruction of a historic shrine at the Military Cemetery No. 123 in Łużna, full renovation and reconstruction of Cemetery No. 46 on Beskidek Hill in Konieczna).

- Development of a mobile exhibition on the history of the Eastern Front of WWI.

- Preparation of promotional materials (guide and maps of the Route, WWI web portal).

Project value: 6,666,664 PLN of which 4,999,998 PLN is co-financed from the EU funds and the State budget (75%) within MROP 2007-2013 Measure 3.1 Development of tourism infrastructure, Scheme C. Development of products and tourism plan in the region.

Partners: Ten local government units (The Małopolska Region, Gorlice County, Tarnów Country, City of Gorlice, Municipality of Gorlice, Municipality of Uście Gorlickie, Municipality of Biecz, Municipality of Łużna, Municipality of Sękowa and Municipality of Klucze)

Leader: Gorlice County

Implementation: 2012-2015